Our Impact on the Aging Population
Home Instead Charities exists to improve the quality of life for underserved aging adults. Roughly 1 in 3 older adults are economically insecure. With less than two percent of funds from the nation’s largest grant makers focused on charitable organizations serving aging adults, we are committed to changing this charitable giving disparity.
Elderly woman turns and smiles

 distributed to charitable organizations serving aging adults


 charitable organizations served


aging adults helped in the U.S.

Why Older Adults Need Our Support

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Ten thousand people celebrate their 65th birthday every day in North America.

As the aging population increases, it’s critical that charitable programs and services continue to expand to help the elderly retain their quality of life and enable them to live with dignity and independence. (U.S. Census Bureau Statistics)

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Roughly 1 in 3 people aged 65+ are economically insecure.

With many aging adults falling below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, many are forced to make tough choices between medicine and food, medical appointments or paying their electric bill. Charitable organizations are stepping in to bring relief to those in need so older adults don't have to give up their medicine or cancel a medical appointment in order to eat and keep their lights on. (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2018).

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25 percent of adults aged 65 and older are socially isolated.

This can lead to premature death, increased risk of dementia and higher rates of anxiety, depression and suicide. Through partnerships, we’re inspiring more people to give to organizations that help older adults engage and connect in their community.* (report published by National Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine)

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More than 7 percent of Americans age 60+ are food insecure.

That number has more than doubled since 2001 and means older adults struggle to access enough food for a healthy lifestyle on a regular basis. Give65, our signature program, helps fuels the missions of organizations providing access to food in both a delivery and congregate capacity. (Report from Feeding America, 2020)